Sunday, September 22, 2013

China or Chinatown USA?

Anyone ever see that Karate Kid movie? I mean the new one with Jaden Smith, not Ralph Maggio? Well, you should know that The New Karate kid is complete Bullshit. There are no other Black people in China. I am the only one, and if anyone says different, they're a lying prick.

If you haven't figured it out, I'm writing from china, which means that this whole enterprise of using Blogger is pretty fucking illegal. With that said, China isn't so different from the U.S. lets go down the list:

Consumed with Consumerism
Consumed with Image
Hates poor people
Hates poor people
I drink too much
I drink too much
Asians can't drive
Asians can't drive 

Yet, there are some differences that show the beauty of the two cultures

No political dissension
A plethora of political options and opportunities
Warm and accepting to every culture ever

You get the idea. 

In any event, the morale of today's story is that if a random person approaches you to  go to a tea shop, she's trying to take your money...all of your money. Now THAT'S an ancient Chinese Secret.

 P.S. I'm not the only Black person here. There are like 10 Nigerians somewhere. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Friend's Abusive Husband

Here it is, yesterday America renewed its wedding vows to Barack Obama when he officially began his second term. I knew Romney never stood a chance because the saying is once you go Black you don't go back. However, across the ocean our friends in Israel seem determined to re-elect their abusive stern asshole husband Benajmin Netanyahu. Now, this isn't a rant against Israel or one for Palestine. Instead it's an analysis of a question: Can you be pro Israel but against their current regime? I think the obvious answer is yes.

Over the years Netanyahu has ignored settlement agreements, directly threatened Iran, and also given plenty of headaches to Barack Obama. On the other hand he's managed to keep a stable Israeli economy. So he's kind of like a bad boy Italian husband with the Israeli people playing the role of mafia wife. "Yeah, I know he's an asshole, but man can that guy provide."

When judging the situation over in Israel I think it's important to look at it in terms of if the far right took over America. That's exactly what's going on over there. And before we call Israel crazy or depict them as an evil regime let's remember it was the right in our very own country which administered The Patriot Act, The War in Iraq, AND The War in Afghanistan. Peace is determined by the people in charge. With Netanyahu's probable re-election i'm guessing it means strained relations with Palestine and the rest of the Middle East. However, let's not use this as a time to blame Israel or add to the division. Let's call it for what it is: Our friend is in love with an abusive asshole. Let's blame him not the people.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gunned Down: A Discussion on Gun Regulation

          Since the Newtown, Connecticut Sandy Hook elementary school massacre a conversation has been reignited on guns and gun regulation in the United States. I was recently asked what I thought about this second amendment business and the tone of the conversation.

So let's be clear....

1. I believe the constitution of the United States gives its citizens the right to bear arms. Now what these arms are is the subject of debate. Are nuclear weapons on the table? Are assault rifles on the table? 

2.I think most people would agree that we need some regulation on who has access to guns. However, this conversation has become riddled with the personal fears of MANY people and the corporate interests of a FEW people. 

3. I believe a large segment of the population believe the government is after their weapons. I believe organizations such as the NRA have a larger agenda which ultimately isn't the interest of the American people, but the interests of the people who donate large sums to their organization. Many of whom make profit off of guns and gun sales. 

With that said there are certain things that deserve consideration when it comes to the topic of regulation. According to criminology professor James Allen Fox there are myths concerning gun regulation and mass shootings

here are a few:

Myth: Enhanced background checks will keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of these madmen.
Reality: Most mass murderers do not have criminal records or a history of psychiatric hospitalization. They would not be disqualified from purchasing their weapons legally. Certainly, people cannot be denied their Second Amendment rights just because they look strange or act in an odd manner. Besides, mass killers could always find an alternative way of securing the needed weaponry, even if they had to steal from family members or friends.

Myth: Restoring the federal ban on assault weapons will prevent these horrible crimes.
Reality: The overwhelming majority of mass murderers use firearms that would not be restricted by an assault-weapons ban. In fact, semiautomatic handguns are far more prevalent in mass shootings. Of course, limiting the size of ammunition clips would at least force a gunman to pause to reload or switch weapons.

Myth: Widening the availability of mental-health services and reducing the stigma associated with mental illness will allow unstable individuals to get the treatment they need.
Reality: With their tendency to externalize blame and see themselves as victims of mistreatment, mass murderers perceive the problem to be in others, not themselves. They would generally resist attempts to encourage them to seek help. And, besides, our constant references to mass murderers as “wackos” or “sickos” don’t do much to destigmatize the mentally ill.

Myth: Expanding “right to carry” provisions will deter mass killers or at least stop them in their tracks and reduce the body counts.
Reality: Mass killers are often described by surviving witnesses as being relaxed and calm during their rampages, owing to their level of planning. In contrast, the rest of us are taken by surprise and respond frantically. A sudden and wild shootout involving the assailant and citizens armed with concealed weapons would potentially catch countless innocent victims in the crossfire.

It would seem that stricter regulation would curtail a number of gun crimes, but it's affect on mass murders such as this would be minuscule. However, any progress is progress is it not?

To the proponents of more regulation
I think the conversation needs to be moved towards smart regulation. People are complaining about  ak-47 and ar-15 rifles yet deaths by high powered rifles are minuscule in the US. When we talk about assault rifles ( a class 3 weapon) there's much stricter regulation than other weapons under the "assault weapons" category. 
The real conversation needs to be moved towards handguns, and semi automatic weapons. Though i personally don't see myself owning an assault rifle it's not the real culprit here. The result  in my opinion is the familiar cry that government is coming to take our weapons. And when you start targeting weapons which are menacing, but aren't a significant factor in violent deaths I can understand the frustration. 

To the proponents of less regulation
I agree with the conclusion that regulation, mental health care, etc etc wont STOP the problem, but it WILL take a nibble out of it. Which in and of itself is important. No, Obama isn't trying to ban the Second Amendment, but he is proposing stricter gun regulation ( i agree it should be smart regulation). I disagree with the conclusion more guns in the hands of people means less shootings via they can protect themselves. This assumes the people carrying the weapons are responsible and secondly that they're carrying their guns with them 24/7. Which of course is impossible. It also assumes there is a criminal element out to get these gun owners and I'm suspicious of who the criminals are in these circumstances. We've heard of numerous accounts of minorities being gunned down because they were in the wrong neighborhood, acted suspiciously etc 

The overall problem is the gun culture we have in America. Which is the leading country of gun related deaths among industrialized nations. The conversation that was sparked by the shooting in CT is good for America. Me personally? I don't think the answer is more guns and I don't believe in trampling on people's constitutional right. However, I think we ALL can agree that we need to find a way to keep dangerous weapons out the hands of dangerous people.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Your Profession is Bullshit!!!

   Now, i'm not talking about the arts. I'm not talking about journalism. I'm not even talking about pottery and ceramics, though probably cases can be made for each of these. I'm talking about my ONE enemy in life: PSYCHICS!!!!!!

    Psychics are the WORST people in the world, A profession built on deceit and lies. I wonder if psychics feel bad when they take the money of brain dead clients or worse: clients actually looking for real help. It might sound strange, but I'd rather my daughter be a stripper than a psychic!!! At least she's contributing to society (strippers are actually the most benevolet people in society).

    A side note, how do psychics manage to make their money? Is it a religion? Is it tax exempt?? Who are the people funding these posers!! Why do I  see "Psychic" shops in economically stable areas of town? it goes to show that people really will believe in ANYTHING. Which is why i fell calling people out on their bullshit is important. You're free to believe whatever you'd like, as long as I'm free to make fun of it. Especially if it's deliberately manipulating vulnerable people out of their money.  What i'm saying is why do we believe things we know are implausible? Are we that obsessed with the unknown we're willing to believe any quack that claims to have hidden knowledge? I say fuck it...let's enjoy what we do know.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why Cursing is Important, Why She Left You, and Why Comedians are the Best People on the Planet

To Self,

           You're ugly, skinny, broke, and nobody likes you. Now get out there and smile through the pain. When confronted with heartbreak we always see the worst in ourselves. If said person left you, said person had a reason. And it must be more complex than "She's a bitch." In a world where we fight to feel anything, how do we cope when we lose the one that made you feel at home?
          Perhaps it's selfish to think that way. Maybe, nothings forever. Is it possible that we're all moments in each others lives? An emotion that lasts for a period and moves on? We all might be looking for love, but maybe we're looking for peace. Maybe we're reaching our hand out hoping that someone will bring us back to that safe place we felt as a child. The place before we knew about heartbreak, war, and disease. I'm scared and don't want to go through life alone, so I'll find someone i can walk down the road of life with for a little while. And if heartbreak is the price we pay for companionship, I'm willing to gamble a moment of heartbreak vs. a lifetime of loneliness. Perhaps I'll be able to survive it. Until then, I can't crawl back into your arms, my knees are stiff, and i can't bend to cling on to the past. I'm standing here waiting for the next emotional encounter to pass me by. I'm standing here. I just am.


Cursing is the shit, i've always known it, and now science can back me up.  Did you know a curse and a slur are two different things? So nigger and fuck are two different words (of course we know this) but one is worse than the other because one is a slur, and a curse has the potential to become a slur!!!! anyway i digress. Cursing is important because it's stored in a different part of your brain, the emotional part. Unlike other words, curses are stored here. So when i get hit with a ball and yell FUCK!! It's more then just a word, the body treats it as a literal emotional release. Similar to crying, or laughing.  So every time we use a curse word, we're using a special word.  heres's a link to explain more.

Why comedians are the best people in the world 

 Comedians are the best people in the world for the simple fact that they have the scathing ability to tell the truth as they see it. We all desire to be authentic. When we utter the words "i dont give a fuck what you think." we really try to mean that. Unfortunately, it's harder said than done. Comedians are the best people in the world because they present themselves as regular people, with regular observations. How much would we love to call out the bullshit our boss did? how much would we love to tell people what we really think? without the political correctness. Comedians are the superheroes of the real world because they've trained their minds to think outside the accepted constructs society has put on us, they've trained themselves to effectively see it for what it is... Bullshit.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Like the Herpes, You can't get rid of this Blog. Did I mention It's World AIDS Day?

To Self,

      I'm back from a long, very long, vacation.  Where did i go? Well, basically i was in the woods for 3 months, came home to a shitty and broken computer, was pronounced with a hernia, had to deal with family issues, unemployment, and a lot of other shit that i may or may not go into. I have plenty to say on these republican debates, the separation of blue and red America, the 99% movement, the wealth disparity, and the general air of Fuckanery that's been going on. But let's start this blogging season on a happier note.


     Each year the United Nations hosts world AIDS day on December 1st to raise awareness of the AIDS pandemic that continues to affect us. This years theme (2011) was "getting to zero."
      I'll be the first to admit that i love bashing Conservatives, Liberals, Religious People, Non Religious People, or any one else i feel has their head up their asshole (including myself) However, it was nice to see a unified approach to getting rid of a global disease.

    Maybe Ronald Reagan was right. Maybe we need a huge disaster to get us all together. Maybe it takes                
a fucking alien invasion, or a nuclear missile up the ass to bring us all together. In any event, it's a nice reprieve to see not only America, but the world come together on this issue.

Why are guys so fucking stupid??

   While walking around in manhattan, these guys shouted to a particular female, "aye girl, i want to go straight porn star on you. let me stick my tongue in your booty." Now as funny as this is, i want to take a moment to say what the fuck?  This is an idiosyncrasy unique to the male gender.  More like idiocracy unique to the male gender.No woman would ever say that to a guy in public.  I don't really care that they said it. What i care about is what goes through the minds of men. Guys have a knack for shouting random shit at girls...but does it ever work???  this is a serious question. In any event,  i think it's better to think like a woman and look like a guy.

    Oh yeah, some poetry i've written has been selected for the Amistad Journal. I can't tell the difference between the ridiculous and the sublime, but if it was selected that means someone liked it. i mean I don't remember fucking or paying anyone to get the spot.

Well, I'm tired of writing so I'm signing off.

Friday, May 27, 2011

On Being Christian in America

         Today, millions of people in the U.S proclaim to follow the Christian traditions set forth in the Bible. Thou shall not steal, thou shall not kill, thou shall not lie, and so forth. But in the twenty-first century, do American Christians follow a literal interpretation of the Bible? The more famous passages of the Bible are frequently quoted to us as children and as adults. However, how often do we follow the passages that fall between the lines? Exodus 31:15 of the New International Version states, "For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death." Has anyone noticed any executions taking place for working on Sunday? 
         It's not just the Old Testament, Matthew 6:24 of the same translation states, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Money". Has any one noticed the consumerism in America and the arguments against raising taxes that would ultimately benefit lower income families? Where were the Christians during the healthcare debates? Universal healthcare seems like an idea Jesus would have loved. To be fair, Christians did show up in droves to protest Proposition 8 in California. Perhaps, it's holier to deny civil rights than to provide adequate healthcare. Perhaps it's impossible to have a literal interpretation of a religious doctrine without having a human rights record like Saudi Arabia. In any event, it's interesting to wonder if Christianity will one day be as literal as the ancient Greek and Egyptian religions we read and shove to the side as fiction.