Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why Cursing is Important, Why She Left You, and Why Comedians are the Best People on the Planet

To Self,

           You're ugly, skinny, broke, and nobody likes you. Now get out there and smile through the pain. When confronted with heartbreak we always see the worst in ourselves. If said person left you, said person had a reason. And it must be more complex than "She's a bitch." In a world where we fight to feel anything, how do we cope when we lose the one that made you feel at home?
          Perhaps it's selfish to think that way. Maybe, nothings forever. Is it possible that we're all moments in each others lives? An emotion that lasts for a period and moves on? We all might be looking for love, but maybe we're looking for peace. Maybe we're reaching our hand out hoping that someone will bring us back to that safe place we felt as a child. The place before we knew about heartbreak, war, and disease. I'm scared and don't want to go through life alone, so I'll find someone i can walk down the road of life with for a little while. And if heartbreak is the price we pay for companionship, I'm willing to gamble a moment of heartbreak vs. a lifetime of loneliness. Perhaps I'll be able to survive it. Until then, I can't crawl back into your arms, my knees are stiff, and i can't bend to cling on to the past. I'm standing here waiting for the next emotional encounter to pass me by. I'm standing here. I just am.


Cursing is the shit, i've always known it, and now science can back me up.  Did you know a curse and a slur are two different things? So nigger and fuck are two different words (of course we know this) but one is worse than the other because one is a slur, and a curse has the potential to become a slur!!!! anyway i digress. Cursing is important because it's stored in a different part of your brain, the emotional part. Unlike other words, curses are stored here. So when i get hit with a ball and yell FUCK!! It's more then just a word, the body treats it as a literal emotional release. Similar to crying, or laughing.  So every time we use a curse word, we're using a special word.  heres's a link to explain more.

Why comedians are the best people in the world 

 Comedians are the best people in the world for the simple fact that they have the scathing ability to tell the truth as they see it. We all desire to be authentic. When we utter the words "i dont give a fuck what you think." we really try to mean that. Unfortunately, it's harder said than done. Comedians are the best people in the world because they present themselves as regular people, with regular observations. How much would we love to call out the bullshit our boss did? how much would we love to tell people what we really think? without the political correctness. Comedians are the superheroes of the real world because they've trained their minds to think outside the accepted constructs society has put on us, they've trained themselves to effectively see it for what it is... Bullshit.


  1. "We all might be looking for love, but maybe we're looking for peace." that' profoundly awesome. I didn't know that curse words are emotional releases lol but it explains alot. &&& I remember on Thanksgiving, you talking about your love for comedians 'realness', I enjoyed reading your elaboration on that. Well, another great post x3 :) thanks for sharing.

  2. I really enjoyed reading the first part of the blog. It read much more like poetry than prose, which is a good thing here. It was the imagery that really did it for me, I could picture your persona and more importantly feel and identify with their emotions.

    I had no idea that curse words were so different (i mean, i know they sound different and have different meaning) but i didn't know that they had there own area of the brain. This is an interesting fact. I may share it with my boss, seeing as its brain related.

    And, as always, you show love to the comedians.
    Great Post!
