Friday, April 1, 2011

Yes I'm Racist!!!! But I'm not for Child labor!!!

Going to Howard University I can't help but feel a...... (how shall I put this)...... black theme, a racial theme. So, when it comes to questions of race, I think about it a lot. As I was reading the news, I came across the story of Paris Hilton. Paris was allegedly high on Ecstasy talking to some guy, found out he was black, and said, "Eww I don't do that sort of thing." I'm also assuming the room was dark and she couldn't tell he was Black (otherwise that's just weird). Now, I don't really care about Paris Hilton. Ignorant racist White girls are a dime a dozen, but it does bring up an interesting question. Are we all racist???? I don't think anyone Is really color blind. However, in this "post racial society" where race no longer matters, are we all just as racist as we were in the 50's?? I'm inclined to say yes. I think we all make small judgements based on race, or maybe assumptions. I think nobody is truly color blind, but then again, maybe I'm wrong. However, is a color blind society even preferential? What weird world would this be if we didn't acknowledge race?? I can imagine it now.
Police Man: Can you give me a description of the man?
Woman: Tall, with long hair.
Police man: Skin color?
Woman: Sorry officer!!! I don't see race.

Weird Indeed. Maybe the goal shouldn't be to eliminate race but to overcome it. Maybe we should be able to see a Black guy, recognize he's Black and move on. Maybe it's morally pretentious to think we don't make judgements based on race. YES, I do think your probably good at math if your asian (unless proved otherwise)YES, I do think if your last name's O'Connor, you like to drink, YES, I do think racial jokes are funny, and that's because there's a little bit of truth to them. However, that doesn't mean I want to go out and lynch people.  Like the song says, "maybe if we just admit, that we're all racist a little bit, and everyone stopped being so pc, maybe we could live in harmony."
From now on if someone asks, I'm saying, "Im 1/4 racist."

On Child Labor

So apparently the GOP wants to push some new laws in maine. These bills will in essence lax the states Child labor laws. the article reads

 "The first measure would let employers pay workers under the age of 20 a full $2.25 less per hour than Maine’s minimum wage for their first 180 days on the job. The bill would also eliminate the maximum number of hours a minor 16 years of age or older can work on a school day. The second would allow 16- and 17-year-old teenagers to work one hour later on school nights."

All I'm going to say is what the fuck republicans? Do you enjoy being evil? Do you really think you're for the American people? I think if their ever was a socialist revolution it'd be on the republicans watch. It's exactly thing like this that will force people out of apathy and to the streets.

1 comment:

  1. I'd say that we were more prejudiced than racist. Racism implies that one race thinks it is superior to another. I may make judgements but I don't assume I'm better than anyone else because of a false biological distinction. We don't have to be color blind, but we should work to lessen the disparities between the races, health, education, and otherwise. And kudos for the use of Avenue Q.
