Tuesday, May 3, 2011

On May Day and Osama Bin Laden

 Every year on May 1st the International Workers Holiday is celebrated. This year, I had the pleasure to attend the rally in New York City. Admittedly, I had no idea what May Day was until May 1st, when I found out from the Progressive Labor Party, the group I traveled with. Amidst the communist, anarchist, socialist, unionist etc I noticed we all had one thing in common, a desire to see a change in the world we live in. Each day, we complain about the shit we see on T.V, we complain about the wealth disparities, poverty, health care, and lack of human compassion. At the rally, I saw high-school kids, old men, old women, whites, blacks, and asians standing together for a common cause. Admittedly, the groups didn't all agree on the solution to the problem, but the one thing we did agree on is the criticism of an unabashed, exploitative-system. Apathy, is the biggest killer of revolution, ignorance, is the greatest friend of exploitation. It's great to see how well informed, passionate, people can come together.

On Osama Bin Laden

Everyone remembers where they were on september 11th, and to an extent, I believe we'll all remember where we were when Osama was killed. A ten year manhunt filled with miscalculations,mishandling, and misjudgments culminated with the death of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. Now, I think this has a negligible effect in the "War on Terror" but I do think it has a grand effect in the psyche of a nation and the world. We all lost something on September 11th, and though I do think the world is better without Osama, watching people come together over the death of a man while shouting "U.S.A, U.S A" is truly unsettling. Seal Team Six (the group who killed Osama) has a book deal, a movie deal etc...  I can't help but wonder why our culture deifies and demonizes, exalts and condemns people to "god's and devil's. Osama was many things -none the least a mass murderer- but he was also a misguided, misdirected, human being, who probably saw first hand the effects of imperialism and occupation. I'm certainly not defending the man, but lets remember he was a human (like us) that became so hate filled, he reacted. An analysis of the origin of this hate should be noted. In any event, the death of any human being shouldn't be reduced to the sophomoric chant "U.S.A, U.S.A" it should be treated with the solemnness, and severity of the events of september 11th, not a hollywood movie.

1 comment:

  1. Osama deaths shows us what is inside the minds and hearts of American's. They are so shallow and consumed with their own ego's that to overlook the gravity of this event and use it as an opportunity to ride their own cocks(This is just how I see it, American's are still okay though).
